Thursday, June 18, 2009

Swag done right

As if home winemaking and keeping bees aren't weird enough hobbies, one of my other passions is costuming, particularly medieval and renaissance. For the past fifteen years or so, I've found much of my costuming/needlework "library" at a mail order company called Hedgehog Handworks. Its proprietor, Joady Gorelick, is beyond awesome in terms of customer service.

But she's also slightly evil. I mean, I already live in a household that's co-dependent when it comes to books, and Ms. Gorelick is a certified book-pusher. (Good thing it's only my husband who has the little "problem." I, on the other hand, can quit any time I want...) ;-)

Anyhoo, a batch of books arrived tonight, and when I opened the second USPS box--stop laughing, you!--I found a Hedgehog Handworks tote bag. The third I now own. That's just plain diabolical. See, if you're not into sewing or embroidery or craft-making of any kind, what you need to understand is:

  1. Books give you lots of ideas for new projects.
  2. Very few projects can be completed in a day, or even during a (rare) open weekend.
  3. Projects need someplace to live (preferably shielded from cat fur) while you're not working on them.
  4. Under absolutely no circumstance does the Code of Crafty-things allow you to cannibalize a tote bag from another project. (I'm not actually sure what penalty the Demi-gods of Crafty-things dole out for such blasphemy, and I'm certainly not about to find out by being made an example by Them.)
  5. Because the project is safely stored away, there is now no imperative to finish it, and workaday practicalities are free to devour your disposable time.
  6. Books on costuming, needlework, etc. go in and out of print with alarmingly short notice, so you need to keep an eye out, and snatch them up during that window of opportunity. (Not to mention that buying books about hobbies you don't have time for almost--almost--soothes the annoyance of not being able to actually work on your projects.)
  7. Books give you lots of ideas for new projects.

I trust that you detect the vicious cycle at work here, yes? Now throw in free project tote bags, and you see the evil genius at work here. This, friends and brethren, is a lady who knows her clientele, down to its deepest, darkest motivations.

And now, if you'll kindly hold off your snickering until I'm gone, I need to find a project to put in my new tote bag...